March 16, 2021


Statement on Plagiarism

March 16, 2021


Statement on Plagiarism

On Sunday, March 14, 2021, Vox Humana published an article entitled “Performing the Early Organ Works of Herbert Howells” written by a Vox Humana Associate Editor. It was brought to our attention that significant portions of this article were plagiarized, and we immediately removed it and opened an investigation, which found the accusations were credible. The author in question has submitted a letter of resignation, which the Editorial Board has accepted. Plagiarism is never acceptable, and we offer our deepest and sincerest apologies for the harm caused to the original authors, especially Dr. Jonathan Clinch (Royal Academy of Music, London). We also apologize to you, our readers, who have trusted us to publish articles written only to the highest standards of integrity. We are currently revising our review process to ensure this never happens again. We thank you for your continued readership as we strive to do better in the future.